Rock & Roll Dead or Alive

Rock & Roll...Dead or Alive!?
Recently, in a discussion I was having with some colleagues including Johnny from Deli House Catering - a longtime Newmarket mainstay - suddenly blurted out,
"I want you to think about this before answering but don't you think rock & roll is dead?"

before adding, while turning to me who had also just announced entering the 2012 Collingwood Elvis Festival, "Not Elvis I don't mean" he'd said ironically, "But think about it, what rock stars exist anymore that aren't old?"

My initial reaction was to say that of course this was absurd, that there were lots of talented bands and players out there still like.. like... well besides, the old music is now becoming "in" with the younger generation it seems. Even my own daughter thinks The Beatles were the best band that ever lived. Who can argue that one? But then who can argue any of Johnny's points? And further, if he's right, what can be done to make sure, as they say, rock & roll never dies?

(905) 830-4208 Deli House Catering Banquet Hall Hosts Local Live Entertainment

I have the unique experience of having once "worked" with boy bands 'inventor" and Author of the book " Bands, Brands, and Billions", Lou Perlman. Of course that was as an Associate Producer on a musical to be, "Red Riding Hood", and Lou was a Co-Executive Producer. Prior I'd worked on Supercross the Movie, which Perlman also had a stake in and front end Executive Produced memory serves. Anyway, it was to star one of the former boy band members. It'll come to me. It wasn't Justin Timberlake, although he didn't do too badly either, and was going to be directed by Randl Kleiser, the same Director as "Grease", top grossing movie musical of all time.
Tom Pearson's Elvis shot
It was surreal when execs from L.A. flew down at xmas to take us out for an expensive lunch and got Lou himself on the phone. At any rate, this was all before Perlman was busted and sent to jail for tax evasion or something and projects like this fell through. Reality check.Ha.

So I lost out working on a dream project while saddled as a single dad with two kids & no lucrative project we thought we'd be working on for the next few years, whilst Perlman got sent to likely a cushy retirement-like residence with a golf course knowing his pull / money. Jury's out on who got the better deal! Ha! Joey Fatone! That's it! Ha! Someone else has since successfully produced a blockbuster-like Red Riding Hood movie of course. Doh!

I did manage to learn some lessons about "branding" from him though, such as at the core the talent has to be there.The Backstreet Boys could sing and dance, there was no question, but as a group dynamic that is an area that can be underestimated in a music world in which only some cream gets to rises to the top.


"Groups have to have the 'it' factor - whether manufactured or real - just like any good movie where the characters are all well defined. Same goes with a music group." Tom Pearson

Some time ago I brought a group of fellows in to meet Johnny and to have a look see of the DC Hall, with the guys leaving impressed with the setup and acoustics. They just finished running a successful battle of the bands with art displays series that ran over 7 weeks and numerous rock bands.

Look for us to put something together in a series of shows in the near future that will help make sure Johnny is wrong and a whole new generation of new rock and rollers survive!

 Come back baby! Rock & Roll Never forgets!